The Japanese
In bottom Michie (Beautiful, very beautiful when he does not pull a dirty head) and leading Shoru.
The Japanese is to one extreme or the other I know of no middle knows. In my experience anyway, here is what I have deduced: they are completely off the wall or timid with strangers.
Proof is these two characters. Shoru is completely deluree, mastering English is adorable and she speaks, like all Japanese, with an insane amount of "Ohhhhhhh" haaaaaa "heavily accented. She speaks, is not afraid to say too much and laughs quite what might be said, it simply assumes and loves the contact with foreigners because it seems to find a more interesting contribution (Notice that I understand and share.) In short, for a Japanese, she drinks a lot, does not hesitate to speak loudly and laugh out loud from time to time so I was quite surprised.
Michi, the second category, Japanese shy. It was nice to talk to me, he blushed very easily, too can be, no longer knows or when it is close to my hand and so on. He made the effort to try to talk to me in Japanese but the shyness is still undefeated. Example: he had to dye their hair blond, I told him that it does not go to him a few days after they are black and he refuses to say he had blond chooses the base ... Yes I'm mad, in short. Never assume a Japanese feel close to a stranger even if he is very protective has my respect. For me it is a typical example of Japanese shy attentive but very easily embarrassed.
In one way or another, I love them, they bring me a lot of things, like discussing Linda also brings me a lot, they warm my heart, these are the Japanese with whom I can try bind a deeper bond even if it remains complex.
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